Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Who I am? What’s going on?!

Go, go, go... I feel as though lately I have been sprinting full speed in 8 million directions.  Today, we hiked Lion’s Head at sun rise and I was so high on life all day. While on top of the mountain I read Jesus Calling for the day and was really confronted with the topic of no matter what I was going through that God was always with me.  Even in the times when I felt really bogged down (HELLO NOW!) “I am continually with you: you hold my right hand” Psalm 73:23. Tonight at small group we were discussing the topic of how God guides and someone randomly started speaking about Psalm 73 and as I was listening I realized, HELLO!, I read that this morning on the mountain! Today I also really felt the need to shop.  I wanted so badly to just go to University Park and browse through Anthro.  (SIKE.) Can’t even do that on the world wide web because no stores besides Nordstrom ship to SA. Instead, I went to Long Street for a little adventure and mindless wandering.  I happened into a little home decor shop and this wooden block caught my eye.  There was a picture of Mandela’s face and a quote.  “We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.” ... Well said Madiba!!!  I needed to hear those words today!!! 

Ha since coming to Cape Town, I have been more aware than ever of my imperfections.  I have turned into possibly the clumsiest me ever.  I have managed to do a barrel roll into the street after I tripped on the pavement.  I have most definitely busted on the stairs leading up to the gym, breaking the glass bottle I was carrying. I constantly spill stuff at restaurants. And let’s not forget the time I carelessly left my debit card in the ATM only for the machine to suck it back in to protect from theft, which meant the card had to be canceled!! ... all of these things are silly in the grand scheme of life but it’s the small things that stretch you beyond your comfort zone and that is really what I have found here in Africa.  In the short month I’ve been here I have learned so much about myself and hopefully have changed for the good in some ways. 
After being in the Townships and even just reading and thinking about Macon Garden Village (where I am going to be doing several projects...deets to come later! I will need your help!) you realize that life isn’t about the monetary objects you have here on Earth.  It is about the relationships you build and how you invest in the lives of others while giving the glory to God.  I fully believe He has a plan and purpose for my life and right now I am for sure in South Africa; Western Cape Provence; Cape Town; Rosebank for a reason.  I also found out this week that the next leg of my journey is for sure going to be in London.  Such an answer to prayer, because I was struggling with what the future was going to entail.  Funny how when you become content with letting God handle things and stop trying to plan to make a plan and have 3 “what if” back up plans, things tend to work out. 

I really am so thankful for this small group that I have been able to get involved in.  It reminds me a lot of RUF leadership team and the community I left behind at school.  There is no Ryan or Kelly but there is a Kyle and a Tessa.  Both are equally as great and it’s been cool to get to hear bits and pieces of everyone’s stories.  They are all fascinated with the fact that I am from Texas and have been full of questions.  It is amazing to me how similar our lives and childhoods have been even though I grew up on an entirely different continent. I really look forward to continuing life with my new Captonian friends!

Forgive me for not posting Sunday. I was too busy swimming with penguins! HA how cool is that?! I really had no idea what we were in for.  Someone said let’s go to Simon’s Town and Boulder Beach Sunday and I was down.  At first you pay 45 rand to walk out on a board walk and look at all the penguins with a bunch of Asian tourists.  Thankfully, it got more eventful than that.  We found Boulder Beach and it was full of families having fun in the sun.  The boulders block the waves from hitting the shore so it is essentially a huge still pool of clear ocean water. And better yet, you don’t have to view the penguins from a dock, THEY ARE RIGHT NEXT TO YOU! It was an incredible way to spend our Sunday and I am very thankful to have had that experience. There will definitely be more boulder beach days in the future.  

For the most part, besides the penguins, last week was pretty low key.  It was nice to finally figure out a routine.  The highlights include:
Monday - African Instruments and Skyping with Ang. 
Tuesday - SHAWCO. I was in the 4th-5th grade class room and it was a pretty rowdy time.  (This week I had 8th-9th graders and enjoyed it much more!) 
Wednesday - Homemade Parkhill! ...I’m having with drawls...(Chicken salad/croissant and soup!) and small group for the first time! 
Thursday - I picked up Veggie Lasagna from The Melissa’s Food Shop (my favorite place here!) and we all feasted for dinner. 
Friday - After class we went to the beach and treated ourselves to chocolate croissants at “Knead.” Then we loaded the bus to go to the “Yacht Club Party.” Being a semester study abroad student we get to join three free clubs/societies.  The Yacht Club is what a lot of people joined because you can take free sailing/wind surfing lessons out on a lake.  So with minimal information about the party we set off on a great adventure. Before we had even left campus the song “Thrift Shop” was being sang by the entire bus...(Ha what a glimpse of the night to come!) Our final destination was the UCT Yacht Club, which is a building on a lake in the middle of no where.  It was kind of ghetto, but very “college.” There were lots of Americans, but I met a decent amount of Africans as well.  Needless to say it was a great impulse decision and we all made lots of memories.   

Thoughts/Reflections/Real Life Confessions!
All in all I am loving life in The Mother City.  Like I said earlier, I feel like I have really been more attuned to me, my actions, and how they affect others.  Culture shock has definitely set in.  I realized that about a week ago when I was so frustrated with everything.  To deal with missing home (family and friends) I have become quite the baker.  Last semester I was really bummed I didn’t get to bake more while I was at Kappa.  HA, I’ve baked enough here for an entire year! Just appreciating each day and trying to make the most of it has been my goal.  My roommates all had did their home-stay this last weekend and I had the whole flat to myself.  It was nice to just internally reflect and process this whole adventure by my lonesome. Know that I love you all and miss you greatly! 

Have a Happy Thursday! 

Lift off?! 

They swim like ducks on top of the water and are speedy fast under the water. 

Penguins on a rock. For up close and personal pics see my facebook page. 

View from "dock!" 

4:30 a.m. Lion's Head Crew

Magical view of the city blanketed with clouds


"On Top of the World" - Imagine Dragons

Afternoon treat at Yours Truly 


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